One interesting story: We all know that U.S. President Barack Obama is a genuine basketball fans. So a couple of weeks ago during his visit to the US the UK Prime Minister was taken to a college game by President Obama and Obama had to explain everything to him because he did not know anything about the game.
     I think it will be a long way for everybody know, but if you know basketball, you will fall in love with it.
     Now, I will introduce some specification of basketball roles to you. It is for anyone who don't know basketball. Wish you like it.


     a. Each team shall consist of five players. No team may be reduced to less than five players. If a player in the game receives his sixth personal foul and all substitutes have already been disqualified, said player shall remain in the game and shall be charged with a personal and team foul. A technical foul also shall be assessed against his team. All subsequent personal fouls, including offensive fouls, shall be treated similarly. All players who have six or more personal fouls and remain in the game shall be treated similarly.
     b. In the event that there are only five eligible players remaining and one of these players is injured and must leave the game or is ejected, he must be replaced by the last player who was disqualified by reason of receiving six personal fouls. Each subsequent requirement to replace an injured or ejected player will be treated in this inverse order. Any such reentry into a game by a disqualified player shall be penalized by a technical foul.
     c. In the event that a player leaves the playing court while the ball is in play, play will continue until the next stoppage of play and the player will be replaced if he is not ready to return.

2. Out-of-Bounds

     a. A player shall not cause the ball to go out-of-bounds.
PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team at the boundary line nearest the spot of the violation.

     EXCEPTION: On a throw-in which goes out of bounds and is not touched by a player in the game, the ball is returned to the original throw-in spot.

3. Dribble

     a. A player shall not run with the ball without dribbling it.
     b. A player in control of a dribble who steps on or outside a boundary line, even though not touching the ball while on or outside that boundary line, shall not be allowed to return inbounds and continue his dribble. He may not even be the first player to touch the ball after he has re-established a position inbounds.
     c. A player may not dribble a second time after he has voluntarily ended his first dribble.
     d. A player who is dribbling may not put any part of his hand under the ball and (1) carry it from one point to another or (2) bring it to a pause and then continue to dribble again.
     e. A player may dribble a second time if he lost control of the ball because of:
(1) A field goal attempt at his basket, provided the ball touches the backboard or basket ring
(2) An opponent touching the ball
(3) A pass or fumble which touches his backboard, basket ring or is touched by another player.

4. Thrower-in

     A thrower-in shall not
(1) carry the ball onto the court;
(2) fail to release the ball within5 seconds;
(3) touch it on the court before it has touched another player;
(4) leave the designated throw-in spot;
(5) throw the ball so that it enters the basket before touching anyone on the court;
(6) step on the court over the boundary line before the ball is released;
(7) cause the ball to go out-of-bounds without being touched by a player in the game;
(8) leave the playing surface to gain an advantage on a throw-in;
(9) hand the ball to a player on the court.

5. Strike the Ball

     a. A player shall not kick the ball or strike it with the fist.
     b. Kicking the ball or striking it with any part of the leg is a violation when it is an intentional act. The ball accidentally striking the foot, the leg or fist is not a violation.
     c. A player may not use any part of his leg to intentionally move or secure the ball.
(1) If the violation is by the offense, the ball is awarded to the opposing team at the sideline nearest the spot of the violation but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended.
(2) If the violation is by the defense while the ball is in play, the offensive team retains possession of the ball at the sideline nearest the spot of the violation but no nearer the baseline than the foul line extended.
(3) If the violation occurs during a throw-in, the opposing team retains possession at the spot of the original throw-in with all privileges, if any, remaining.
     d. Any player who throws or kicks the ball directly into the stands with force, regardless of the reason or where it lands, will be assessed a technical foul and ejected. All other instances where the ball ends up in the stands will subject the player to a possible technical foul and ejection.

6. Offensive Three-Second Rule

     a. An offensive player shall not remain for more than three seconds in that part of his free throw lane between the endline and extended 4' (imaginary) off the court and the farther edge of the free throw line while the ball is in control of his team.
     b. Allowance may be made for a player who, having been in this area for less than three seconds, is in the act of shooting at the end of the third second. Under these conditions, the 3-second count is discontinued while his continuous motion is toward the basket. If that continuous motion ceases, the previous 3-second count is continued. This is also true if it is imminent the offensive player will exit this area.
     c. The 3-second count shall not begin until the ball is in control in the offensive team’s frontcourt. No violation can occur if the ball is batted away by an opponent.
     PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team at the sideline at the free throw line extended.

7. Eight-Second

     A team shall not be in continuous possession of a ball which is in its backcourt for more than 8 consecutive seconds.
     A new 8 seconds is awarded if the defense: (1) kicks or punches the
ball, (2) is assessed a personal or technical foul, or (3) is issued a delay of game warning.
     A new 8 seconds is awarded: (1) if play is suspended to administer
Comments on the Rules—N—Infection Control, (2) when a team gains control of a jump ball in the backcourt, or (3) during a frontcourt throw-in into the backcourt in the last two minutes of the fourth and/or overtime period.
PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team at the midcourt line.

8. Traveling

     a. A player who receives the ball while standing still may pivot, using either foot as the
pivot foot.
     b. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing must release the ball to start his dribble before his second step. The first step occurs when a foot, or both feet, touch the floor after gaining control of the ball. The second step occurs after the first step when the other foot touches the floor, or both
feet touch the floor simultaneously. A player who comes to a stop on step one when both feet are on the floor or touch the floor simultaneously may pivot using either foot as his pivot. If he jumps with both feet he must release the ball before either foot touches the floor. A player who lands with one foot first may only pivot using that foot. A progressing player who jumps off one foot on the first step may land with both feet simultaneously for the second step. In this situation, the player may not pivot with either foot and if one or both feet leave the floor the ball must be released before either returns to the floor.
     c. In starting a dribble after (1) receiving the ball while standing still, or (2) coming to a legal stop, the ball must be out of the player’s hand before the pivot foot is raised off the floor.
     d. If a player, with the ball in his possession, raises his pivot foot off the floor, he must pass or shoot before his pivot foot returns to the floor. If he drops the ball while in the air, he may not be the first to touch the ball.
     e. A player who falls to the floor while holding the ball, or while coming to a stop, may not gain an advantage by sliding.
     f. A player who attempts a field goal may not be the first to touch the ball if it fails to touch the backboard, basket ring or another player.
     g. A player may not be the first to touch his own pass unless the ball touches his backboard, basket ring or another player.
     h. Upon ending his dribble or gaining control of the ball, a player may not touch the floor consecutively with the same foot (hop).
     PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team at the sideline, nearest spot of the violation but no nearer the baseline than the foul line extended.

9. Types of foul

     a. A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately.
     b. Contact initiated by the defensive player guarding a player with the ball is not legal. This contact includes, but is not limited to, forearm, hands, or body check.
(1) A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball who has his back to the basket below the free throw line extended outside the
Lower Defensive Box.
(2) A defender may apply contact with a forearm and/or one hand with a bent elbow
to an offensive player in a post-up position with the ball in the Lower Defensive
(3) A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball at any time in the Lower Defensive Box. The forearm in the above exceptions is solely for the purpose of maintaining a defensive position.
(4) A defender may position his leg between the legs of an offensive player in a postup position in the Lower Defensive Box for the purpose of maintaining defensive position. If his foot leaves the floor in an attempt to dislodge his opponent, it is a foul immediately.
(5) Incidental contact with the hand against an offensive player shall be ignored if it does not affect the player’s speed, quickness, balance and/or rhythm.
     c. Any player whose actions against an opponent cause illegal contact with yet another opponent has committed the personal foul.
     d. A personal foul committed by the offensive team during a throw-in shall be an offensive foul, regardless of whether the ball has been released.
     e. Contact which occurs on the hand of the offensive player, while that hand is in contact with the ball, is legal.
     EXCEPTION: Flagrant and punching fouls.
     PENALTIES: The offender is charged with a personal foul. The offended team is
charged with a team foul if the illegal contact was caused by the defender. There is no team foul if there are personal fouls on one member of each team or the personal foul is against an offensive player. The offended team is awarded:
(1) the ball out-of-bounds on the sideline at the nearest spot where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended if an offensive foul is assessed.
(2) the ball out-of-bounds on the sideline where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended if the personal foul is on the defender and if the penalty situation is not in effect.
(3) one free throw attempt if the personal foul is on the defender and there is a successful field goal or free throw on the play.
(4) two/three free throw attempts if the personal foul is on the defender and the
offensive player is in the act of shooting an unsuccessful field goal.
(5) one free throw attempt plus a penalty free throw attempt if the personal foul is on the defender and the offensive player is not in the act of attempting a field goal if the penalty situation is in effect.
(6) two free throw attempts and possession of the ball on the sideline nearest the spot where play was interrupted if an offensive player, or a teammate, is fouled while having a clear-path-to-the-basket. The ball and an offensive player must be positioned between the tip-of-circle extended in the backcourt and the basket in the frontcourt, with no defender between the ball and the basket when the personal
foul occurs. However, if a defender is ahead of the player being fouled and has
the opportunity to position himself between the ball and the basket, there is no
clear path foul. There must be team possession and the new play must originate in
the backcourt, including throw-ins, and the offended team must be deprived of an
opportunity to score.
(7) two free throw attempts if a personal foul is committed by a defender prior to the ball being released on a throw-in.
(8) two free throw attempts if a personal foul is committed against an offensive
player without the ball when his team has at least a one-man advantage on a fast
break and the defensive player takes a foul to stop play.

10. The Captain

     a. A team may have a captain and a co-captain numbering a maximum of two. The designated captain may be anyone on the active list who is in uniform, except a player-coach.
     b. The designated captain is the only player who may ask an official about a rule interpretation during a regular or 20-second timeout charged to his team. He may not discuss a judgment decision.
     c. If the designated captain continues to sit on the bench, he remains the captain for the entire game.
     d. In the event that the captain is absent from the court and bench, his coach shall immediately designate a new captain.

11. The Coach and Others

     a. The coach’s position may be on or off the bench from the 28' hash mark to the baseline. They are permitted between the 28' hash mark and the mid court line to relay information to players but must return to the bench side of the 28' hash mark immediately. A coach is not permitted to cross the mid court line. All assistants and trainers must remain on the bench. Coaches and trainers are not permitted to go to the scorer’s table, for any reason, except during a dead ball.
     b. A player-coach will have no special privileges. He is to conduct himself in the same manner as any other player.
     c. The bench shall be occupied only by a league-approved head coach, a maximum of three assistant coaches, players and trainer. During an altercation, the head and assistant coaches are permitted on the court as ‘peacemakers.’
     d. If a player, coach or assistant coach is suspended from a game or games, he shall not at any time before, during or after such game or games appear in any part of the arena or stands where his team is playing. A player, coach or assistant coach who is ejected may only
remain in the dressing room of his team during the remainder of the game, or leave the building.

12. Substitutes

     a. A substitute shall report to the scorer and position himself in the 8' Substitution Box located in front of the scorer’s table. He shall inform the scorer whom he is going to replace. The scorer shall sound the horn to indicate a substitution. The horn does not have to be sounded if the substitution occurs between periods or during timeouts.
     b. The substitute shall remain in the Substitution Box until he is beckoned onto the court by an official. If the ball is about to become live, the beckoning signal shall be withheld.
     c. A substitute must be ready to enter the game when beckoned. No delays for removal of warm-up clothing will be permitted.
     d. The substitute shall not replace a free throw shooter or a player involved in a jump ball unless dictated to do so by an injury, whereby he is selected by the opposing coach. At no time may he be allowed to attempt a free throw awarded as a result of a technical foul.
     e. A substitute shall be considered as being in the game when he is beckoned onto the court or recognized as being in the game by an official. Once a player is in the game, he cannot be removed until the ball is legally touched by a player on the court unless: (1) a personal or technical foul is called, (2) there is a change of possession or (3) administration of infection control rule.
     f. A substitute may be recalled from the scorer’s table prior to being beckoned onto the court by an official.
     g. A player may be replaced and allowed to re-enter the game as a substitute during the same dead ball.

     h. A player must be in the Substitution Box at the time a violation occurs if the throw-in is to be administered in the back court. If a substitute fails to meet this requirement, he may not enter the game until the next legal opportunity.

13. Basket/Backboard

     a. A team’s basket consists of the basket ring and net through which its players try to shoot the ball. The visiting team has the choice of baskets for the first half. The basket selected by the visiting team when it first enters onto the court shall be its basket for the first half.
     b. The teams change baskets for the second half. All overtime periods are considered extensions of the second half.
     c. Five sides of the backboard (front, two sides, bottom and top) are considered in play when contacted by the basketball. The back of the backboard and the area directly behind it are out-of-bounds.

14. Dribble

     A dribble is movement of the ball, caused by a player in control, who throws or taps the ball to the floor.
     a. The dribble ends when the dribbler:
(1) Touches the ball simultaneously with both hands
(2) Permits the ball to come to rest while he is in control of it
(3) Tries for a field goal
(4) Throws a pass
(5) Touches the ball more than once while dribbling, before it touches the floor
(6) Loses control
(7) Allows the ball to become dead

15. Fouls

     a. A common personal foul is illegal physical contact which occurs with an opponent after the ball has become live and before the horn sounds to end the period. If time expires before the personal foul occurs, the personal foul should be disregarded, unless it was unsportsmanlike.
     EXCEPTION: If the foul is committed on or by a player in the act of shooting, and the shooter released the ball prior to the expiration of time on the game clock, then the foul should be administered in the same manner as with any similar play during the course of the game.
     b. A technical foul is the penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct or violations by team members on the floor or seated on the bench.
     c. A double foul is a situation in which any two opponents commit personal fouls at approximately the same time.
     d. An offensive foul is illegal contact, committed by an offensive player, after the ball is live and there is team control.
     e. A loose ball foul is illegal contact, after the ball is alive, when team control does not exist.
     f. A flagrant foul is unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent whether the ball is dead or alive.
     g. A punching foul is a punch by a player which makes contact with an opponent whether the ball is dead or alive.
     h. An away-from-the-play foul is illegal contact by the defense in the last two minutes of the game, and/or overtime, which occurs (1) deliberately away from the immediate area of offensive action, and/or (2) prior to the ball being released on a throw-in.

16. Free Throw

     A free throw is the privilege given a player to score one point by an unhindered attempt for the goal from a position directly behind the free throw line. This attempt must be made within 10 seconds.

17. Scoring

     a. A legal field goal or free throw attempt shall be scored when a ball from the playing area enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through the net.
     b. A successful field goal attempt from the area on or inside the three-point field goal line shall count two points.
     c. A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line-shall count three points.
(1) The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt.
(2) The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line.
(3) The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released.
     d. A field goal accidentally scored in an opponent’s basket shall be added to the opponent’s score, credited to the opposing player nearest the player whose actions caused the ball to enter the basket.
     e. It is a violation for a player to attempt a field goal at an opponent’s basket. The opposing team will be awarded the ball at the free throw line extended.
     f. A successful free throw attempt shall count one point. g. An unsuccessful free throw attempt which is tapped into the basket shall count two points and shall be credited to the player who tapped the ball in.
     h. If there is a discrepancy in the score and it cannot be resolved, the running score shall be official.

18. Timing

     a. All periods of regulation play in the game will be twelve minutes.
     b. All overtime periods of play will be five minutes.
     c. Fifteen minutes will be permitted between halves of all games.
     d. 130 seconds will be permitted between the first and second periods, the third and fourth periods and before any overtime period.
     e. A team is permitted a total of 30 seconds to replace a disqualified player.
     f. The game is considered to be in the two-minute part when the game clock shows 2:00 or less time remaining in the period.
     g. The public address operator is required to announce that there are two minutes remaining in each period.
     h. The game clock shall be equipped to show tenths-of-a-second during the last minute of each period.

All the rules above are fit for NBA, CBA,NCAA and so on. Wish it can help all of you!


  1. Basketball rules are different in different countries, for example:NBA rules are not the same with China basketball rules!
